About Us

The Monroe Aging Consortium is organized for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section.


Membership shall be open to any organization or individual that is committed to its purpose and is willing to support MAC activities. Agencies must provide services within Monroe County to Monroe County residents.


Membership dues are $25 per year. Membership includes three persons per organization. Dues are payable in January. Membership includes:

  • Listing in Membership Directory
  • Notifications of Meetings
  • Voting Rights (one vote per organization)

  • Meetings

    Six regular membership meetings per year are scheduled. Working committees may also be established that meet as necessary to perform their functions.

    Members who have emails on file receive electronic notifications of the meetings.

    In accordance with our Bylaws, all meetings are open to the public as outlined in the State of Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.

    Although voting rights are limited to one vote per organization, meetings are open to three attendees per organization.

    The majority of the duly assembled members constitute a quorum at membership meetings.

    List of Board Members:

    Jon McLanahan, President
    Brian Merkle, Vice-President
    Will Bruck, Secretary
    Amy Jo Townsend, Treasurer
    Jeff McBee, Resident Agent
    Tyler Gedelian, Director at Large
    MaryAnn Wertenberger, Director at Large
    Michael Madison, Director at Large
    Gena Craft, Director at Large
    Sandie Pierce, Director at Large
    Tammy Suzor, Director at Large

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